Reynolds, in a effort to tell its story to the legions of mountainbikers the world over who are looking for something more out of their time in the saddle, has found an equally prestigious partner to tell their prestigious wheel story both directly and indirectly upon their unrivaled online video platform. Reynolds is very pleased to announce that it has teamed up with GMBN as the official wheel partner for the illustrious channel and as such will be providing the global channel’s staff with the opportunity to #ridebetterridereynolds.
To paraphrase Aesop, you are known by the company you keep and in terms of quality, entertaining and engaging video content GMBN has few if any rivals. The choice to collaborate with such a unique and dynamic operation who prides itself on quality and continuous innovation seemed to be not only a great opportunity but one that is extremely coherent with the core values of Reynolds. This shared DNA of sorts is sure to bring about fantastic products through collaboration and the level of excitement around putting premier wheels onto the world’s premier MTB online channel is enough to power the Reynolds production facility for quite some time!