Rachel Atherton Wins At Lenzerheide
Pressure, when applied in the right way can be a positive influence rather than a burden. Pressure, over time, can create Diamonds. While some might say that Rachel Atherton felt no pressure going into this weekend's World Cup as she has won everything imaginable multiple times over, she was entering the starting gate with a whole new challenge and entirely new set of circumstances surrounding her. Competing wouldn't be the problem, but preparing for race readiness while dividing attention between training and the new addition to MTB's royal family was most certainly a new challenge. The pressure came from the challenge to lay claim to an entirely new title, perhaps the only one that has eluded Rachel in her illustrious career... "the fastest mum in the world" . Diamonds were made this weekend and Hayes was honored to be along for the ride. #stoppingtheunstoppable
PURPLE HAYES, PODIUM DAYS: New titles abound after this World Cup season opener in Lenzerheide. "The fastest mum in the world" now has a face and a name. Hayes Dominion has planted its flag in Switzerland as well in addition to adding "Podium Celebration Parking Brake" to its long list of capabilities. #stoppingtheunstoppable requires testing under showers of champagne apparently. Congrats again Rachel!