Winning races requires excellence and race winning wheels must offer excellence no matter where the race takes place. From start to finish the varied nature of terrain, gradient and conditions requires a tool that is capable of offering excellence across all situations that could be present during competition. Reynolds has produced a tool that performs in just such a versatile manner that it should be dubbed the “everywhere wheel”. The new 46mm Road platform is extremely versatile yet with a performance that gives it a laser like focus on one single destination, the podium.
With the goal of all Reynolds wheels being not merely to compete but rather to win, its performance was necessarily optimized in a 360 degree manner. The 46mm offering is a mid depth profile that is extremely versatile yet best in class in terms of aerodynamics. Designed using the RAV design philosophy, the new DET 2 profile offers not only unrivaled aerodynamic performance but class leading stability as well. Reynolds’ comprehensive approach to aerodynamics that provide real world benefit is the key to producing a wheel that produces a tangible benefit to all riders. While wind tunnel and CFD analysis is part of the development process, the Reynolds profile is designed with the innumerable Yaw angles of wind a rider will encounter on the road. The DET 2 profile is made in such a way to improve not only the wheel’s aerodynamics in a versatile and performance enhancing way, but also conferring the stability necessary for the rider to safely maintain a more aerodynamic and efficient position. In other words, the design of the Reynolds profile takes into consideration both the aerodynamics of the rider as well as the wheelset, as the two must necessarily compete (and win) together. (There is no price point for top aerodynamics and the DET 2 rim profile remains constant throughout the range. The same profile will be found on PRO, EXPERT and AR level wheels. )

While a meticulously designed aerodynamic profile provides a great deal of the performance advantage the 46mm wheel represents, making the perfect all-rounder wheel required adding efficiencies in terms of weight. Sleek and lightning fast on the flats yet amazingly lightweight and nimble for efficiency on even the steepest gradient. The proprietary CR6 laminate design and enhanced resin system makes for the absolute lightest, no compromise wheelset that can perform up to the lofty Reynolds performance, efficiency and durability standards. At 1397gr for the pair the BL46 PRO are extremely lightweight, however, considering the Reynolds lifetime guarantee for the integrity of the rim, it is in a class of its own.
While unrivaled aerodynamics and lightweight, yet extremely resistant construction go far towards reducing the amount of drag or resistance the rider must overcome to generate speed, however a great deal of attention was paid towards ensuring that every watt generated by the rider translates into forward movement. Not only making a sleek and lightweight rim at the top of its class in both categories but making it highly resistant to torsional forces was an engineering feat indeed. The carbon layup design was further engineered beyond making a lightweight and reliable structure to confer the best possible power transfer possible.
By mating such a stiff and efficient rim structure to equally efficient hubs then power transfer is exponentially increased. By mating the torsionally resistant Reynolds 46mm rim to the co-developed Reynolds/Industry 9 Blacklabel Torch road hubs there is no doubt that every watt is used towards propelling the rider forwards.

While the attention towards stiffness of the unit makes for a more efficient ride, the 21mm hooked tubeless channel allows for further efficiencies in addition to comfort. The wider, tubeless channel is designed to offer a superior tire fit and compatibility with contemporary tire designs, optimized for 28mm tires. Such compatibility allows for not only comfort but lower rolling resistance thanks for larger tires run at comparably lower pressures and the hooked design allows for a greater tire pressure range and is compatible with any tubeless tire.
The BL46 PRO, BL46 Expert and AR46 wheels from Reynolds represent a new level of performance and are the veritable jack of all trades that, however, excel in all areas. The new 46mm range is the embodiment of the one wheel to do it all, without compromise. Class leading and forward thinking aerodynamic design in an amazingly lightweight yet extremely efficient and reliable, the new range should leave little doubt as to the best bet for a better cycling experience on the road. Ride better, ride Reynolds.