Torpado Racing
Torpado Factory Racing - Katazina 2nd Place Hero Dolomites

The Torpado Factory Team left yet another mark on what has become perhaps one of the most iconic XCM races in the professional circuit. Katazina, laid claim to second place, a well deserved podium and yet another fantastic result in a race she has wone multiple times in the past. A fast rider, made faster by fantastic Manitou suspension, Hayes Dominion brakes, Reynolds wheels and ProTaper bars and stem, Kata finds herself once again on the podium of a prestigious race. Katazina Sosna said after the finish line: "There was a moment when I thought I would lose second place, but I wanted it strongly and downhill, where today I felt really good, I tried to accelerate and give my best to conquer the second place finish. This is a great result at Hero, the podium is always on the podium but I already want to do it again".

Torpado Racing
Torpado Racing
Torpado Racing