In the spirit of #stoppingtheunstoppable Hayes brakes are absolutely thrilled to have accepted the challenge of stopping Gee Atherton during what is perhaps one of his most daring feats thus far in his illustrious career. Gee’s latest edit in his Ridgeline series is a testament to his unwavering dedication to pushing the limits even further, going above and beyond the limits of what the most ambitious of us would deem humanly possible, and doing so in environments so spectacular that words have a hard time expressing their true nature. Ridgeline IV is a wonderfully curated short film that documents a sporting achievement that is not met with a prize as there was no competition. Perhaps Gee didn’t stand atop a podium as this video wrapped but he was left standing atop of something much bigger and has left all of us with something to appreciate for years to come. Hayes brakes are humbled by such a performance and proud to have been trusted in the making of such an amazing sporting feat and the film that documents it.
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